www.swecobelgium.be/expertise/energy/YOUR VISION, OUR REALITY
The future may seem distant to some, but it is very near for Sweco. Our energy consultants and engineers work daily on the development of the energy system as it should evolve over the next decades. Our building experts are currently working on the inner clique of a new hospital that will admit patients within five years. Our traffic engineers are analysing a new underground metro line that will open within ten years. Our spatial planners are designing a vibrant, dynamic new city district for within about 15 years. Sweco's task is to stay one step ahead. The results of our work will become the future reality for others.
You can turn to Sweco with high expectations. We promise to be your most committed and accessible partner. It should be easy to work with Sweco and we will do everything we can to understand your needs as the best. We also promise to make sure you get exactly the right expertise for your specific project. You can count on Sweco to solve your challenge.
Core business // Sweco plans and designs the cities and communities of the future. We do this by offering highly qualified services in the fields of consulting engineering, environmental technology and architecture. You can find our comprehensive company presentation under appendix 1.
Employees // 17.500 employees, of which more than 1.700 in Belgium.
International presence // Sweco is established in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Poland, Turkey and China. Sweco carries out tens of thousands of projects worldwide in around 70 countries to ensure clean water, efficient infrastructure and sustainable energy solutions.
Revenue // 1,9 billion EUR
We are truly committed partners and are always easy to do business with. Together we offer the most accessible expertise.
Strategy // Sweco's business model is decentralised and based on our proximity to customers. Every customer must be able to feel that Sweco's advisers have a deep understanding of their business. Only then can we be the most committed partner, ready to create added value for the customer in all facets of the assignment at hand.
Quality, efficiency and costumer profitability // By using our time and resources in the most effective way, we provide our customers with both profitability and high quality. To ensure we meet our customers' expectations, we measure satisfaction levels on a regular basis and make further improvements where possible.
Talent and dedication // Sweco is the sum of the expertise, experience and commitment of our employees. Each individual makes a big difference to the overall end result. Attracting, developing and retaining top talent is crucial in order to continue to meet our customers' requirements. That's why identifying talent and giving them the chance to succeed is close to our hearts.
Sara Vander Beken
Business Unit Manager Energy Transition
Elfjulistraat 43, B-9000 Gent
T +32 (0)2 588 62 49
M +32(0) 471 68 84 16